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Private Testimonials


Read some of the testimonials from some of our satisfied patients.

Paul Levitt addressed from the beginning my problems and severe pain and has instructed me clearly about the therapy and activities involved. Each individual course of treatment was tailored very well to deal with my pain. The exercises that had to be continued at home were shown & explained in such a way that I could easily do them alone. This is the only way to achieve success as a patient. Paul Levitt is a well-trained physiotherapist who is perfectly suited to every patient and of course patients also should participate in order to become healthy & pain free again.

Karin. M Dec 2016


"Due to disk prolapses, stenosis and arthritis my pain became ever more intolerable. My friend recommended that I contacted Paul Levitt and am very glad I did. After the first treatment I had a clear understanding of why I had pain , after the third treatment I was nearly pain free. Then after the fourth meeting completely pain free, it was simply unbelievable for me! At times if my pain should comeback, I can with small gentle exercises help it. Thanks again."


Andrea. S 2016


"I have some preloaded skoliosis, hip problems, torn ligamnets, hypermobile joints etc. A new pain emerged in the hip and lumbar region. After 1-2 months of pain I went to specialist for a diagnosis. I had Sklerosis in the right hip & Sacroililac joint “SIJ”. If the pain continued then I would have to have an injection. I decided however against it and to see Paul. In 6 meetings we got on top of the right SIJ pain well. Meanwhile, I can perform heavier work again and am either pain free or can with the exercises help it. I am very grateful to Paul, for motivating me, and his motivating attitude and kind nature. I can further recommend Paul and will do this with full conviction. "



Mela. H 2015


" After I had a grade 2 strain of my Medial Collateral Ligament in the right knee I had to completely stop everything from my normal very active everyday life. After initially hoping to get fit again quickly, it became evident that healing process would not be that fast. That led to every thing come to a halt, because my mobility was severely limited, and improving very slowly, so had to do Physiotherapy. At this point Paul Levitt helped me enormously. The professional treatment, his know-how and the motivating discussions transformed each low into a positive experience. If I had the feeling, my training didn’t improve anything, Paul proved to me from his medical notes from our previous session that I made progress. I felt very well cared for and can highly recommend Paul as a Physiotherapist." 


 Alex.PC 2015


"When I was running, I would always get pain in the hip and it would become worse when I increased the pace. I had this pain for years and was training for a halfmarathon,  but because of the problem I couldn't take part. I was advised by Paul to stop running and only walk to handle the problem which helped. After several muscle tests, the problem was diagnosed. When I do my exercises regularly, I don't have any problems anymore." 

 Ines. L 2014 


"After years of back pain, with several unsuccessful massages and morphine injection treatments, I was recommended by an aquaintance to see Paul. After a long time of detailed questions about my complaints and symptoms,  there was a suggested treament for this, since then I have been completely pain free, remaining so for a good three quaters of  a year. Paul gave me tips and exercises to do alone, which I can do to avoid the  pain. Capable, competent and sympathetic, I can only highly recommend him."

Inga. M 2014 


"In the summer of 2014, I had very strong lower back pain. My doctors belief was pain relief tablets were the only option . At some point I could hardly get out of bed because of the pain. My sister had, however recommended to see Paul before, and I was able to get a quick appointment with him.  After a detailed discussion, to my relief, a serious issue was ruled out, and only a few sessions of treatment were needed. Like discussed, after the treatment I could feel the pain more intensely but then it started to abate very quickly. Paul showed me some simple exercises to do at home without any aids. Since that time, I'm pain free."

Bernd. L 2014


"At the end of stage 3, out of 10, whilst riding through the UK with an unfamiliar road bike, I suddenly had a strong constant pain in my knee. After that I could hardly walk up the stairs and was not sure if could complete the remainder of the planned tour. The evening after that stage Paul managed to control my knee pain and confirmed there was nothing serious with my knee, only that I had provoked the Patella tendon. Through correct exercises in the morning and evening, as well as daily taping by Paul, I could ride most of what was left of the 1600km tour, virtually pain free. After completing the ride, I could control the pain with the exercises shown by Paul and within a few weeks it was better and I have had no knee problems in the years since then."

Alex.G 2012

Zufriedene Menschen

Claudia 2023
Christoph 2022
Leni 2021
Raffael 2020

Reini  2019
Josefine  2018
Fritz  2017
Karin 2016
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Paul Levitt Physiotherapie

An der Umfahrung 4,

(hinter der Fa. Aquatechnik),

4713 Gallspach, Österreich

Tel: 0699-8192-8193


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