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In-house physiotherapy services to companys. The advantages of this provides;

  • Less than a third of time away from work for treatment

  • Improved wellnes and performance from staff

  • Prevention of work station related injuries


I will get to know your company culture, structure, operations, environment, employees and their job roles and expectations. Having a physiotherapist on site will mean that I will quickly gain an intimate knowledge of your company’s work demands and job roles, so that I can devise return to work programmes if absence is involved, accurately and efficiently and therefore get your company’s employees back to work quickly and safely. I listen to what your company wants with regards to modified duties, make workplace recommendations and plan return to work programmes accordingly. My main purpose is to keep people at work and to get people back to work as quickly and as safely as possible. In doing so, both the employee and the employer benefit.


This type of physiotherapy has proven to be very cost effecient for companies, there is a return of £4 for every £1 spent. Across the EU, 25% of workers complain of backache and 23% report muscular pains at a single point in time. This has a huge impact on absenteeism and costs the economy billions of Euros per year. Musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain account for £32billion of lost days to the economy and cost of £8billion for the National Health Service.  Hoy et al 2014, reported, that back pain is the world leader in disability. The link between Musculoskeletal Disorders and stress at work is also significant. Evidence increasingly shows that early intervention with minor musculoskeletal conditions can prevent them developing into chronic conditions that may lead to expensive long-term absence and, in the most extreme cases, litigation.


The employee benefits from job retention and long term better health; the employer benefits from significant savings, reduced absenteeism, increased employee productivity, and litigation reductions.


The proposal includes: individual assessments/treatment and rehabilitation programmes, group based exerecise classes (for example; back related or shoulder problems), work station assessments. You will only have to provide a small private room for individual assessment/treatment at a time suitable to you, for example a meeting room. All my equipment is portable, which includes a treatment bed.


Types of offers


Option one: Some companies pay for the Physiotherapy service to treat staff onsite and offer workstation assessments as part of a drive to reduce absenteeism and promote staff health and well-being in accordance with current health and safety legislation. This can be carried out once every year, on demand, or as part of the induction of every new joiner.


Option two: The second option, involves the convenience of treating staff onsite whereby the employee self funds their own treatment but at a discounted rate or/and subsidised by the employer. This can be done on a daily, weekly, two weekly, or monthly bases.


*For prices, please contact.

Zufriedene Menschen

Claudia 2023
Christoph 2022
Leni 2021
Raffael 2020

Reini  2019
Josefine  2018
Fritz  2017
Karin 2016
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So finden Sie uns
Paul Levitt Physiotherapie

An der Umfahrung 4,

(hinter der Fa. Aquatechnik),

4713 Gallspach, Österreich

Tel: 0699-8192-8193


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